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How does Birdee protect itself from piracy?
How does Birdee protect itself from piracy?
Gael Minon avatar
Written by Gael Minon
Updated over a week ago

Birdee makes every effort to ensure the security of its platform. The Birdee platform is entirely isolated and hosted by a "PSF" provider (Professionals of the Financial Sector) supervised by the Luxembourg financial authorities.

In addition, Birdee has implemented a series of steps to ensure its IT services, including:

  • Constant monitoring of services

  • Analysis and filtering of incoming and outgoing requests

  • Replication of services and data to protect against loss or failure

  • Isolation of production servers behind high-end firewalls

  • Regular intrusion testing

  • Using the https protocol when connecting clients

  • Installation of unique certificates on its servers so that they can be identified with certainty and eliminate the risk of the "man-in-the-middle" attack

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